AGI Forensic Hidden Candidate Search

The use of this technology gives our internal investigators and forensic researchers quick links for finding people, and finding out what they’re up to in their everyday communications over the internet as well as on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Our research tools also include resources for identifying cell phone numbers and other communications forensics, the backbone of any modern-day investigative research.

Our system offers current and past address lookup tools and peer-to-peer network investigation aids. It helps our Recruiters find the elusive, isolated talent, which is often hidden from potential suiters who use standard search methods.

What is Forensic Hidden Candidate Search?

With AGI’s FHCS Forensic Hidden Candidate Search, gathered search criteria and sourcing data are processed in real time. Metadata describing all occurrence of communications over the internet and their characteristics are recorded to a special database that is synchronized with other collected information. To identify the hidden candidate, our investigator enters a query. The Forensic Search system processes the recorded metadata and in seconds finds all individuals who correspond to the query. Collected information includes current and past company of employment, current and past position title, current and past business, home and cell phone numbers, current and past email addresses, home addresses and job board links, if applicable. 

AGI Forensic Hidden Candidate Search

AGI’s FHCS use of multiple intelligent AI search engines coupled with String logic’s mathematically based language-oriented approach to candidate isolation is unrivaled in the industry and allows our researchers to find elite candidates of interest to a client company in the exact, specific skill-set discipline, which is required. AGI’s FHCS Forensic Search makes it possible to identify these candidates and raise final submitted candidates… according to set parameters, to a new level of quality. FHCS accesses pre-existing data streams for an entirely new approach of developing human capital quickly.

AGI’s FHCS asks a different series of questions and offers a different way of solving the “perfect candidate” problem, but it works every time. FHCS delivers what hiring managers want but may have difficulty articulating in standard recruitment environments.

Search and find with Forensic Search

Our investigators can specify the following search criteria via the Forensic Search user interface:

• Current & past employment history
• Current & past job titles
• Email addresses
• Phone numbers, cell , home, business
• Home address
• Education

• Education
• Current salary
• Family members
• Technical strengths
• Analytical skills
• And much, much more

In addition, we can configure AGI’s FHCS Forensic Search to find virtually any additional information in a matter of seconds.


• There is no need for large internal recruiting and research organizations; our team can manage all of your search requirements for your company. This advantage is especially valuable for startup & small companies with limited budgets as well as large organizations with multiple needs and limited experience within their HR departments. AGI’s FHCS team makes it possible to quickly hire needed human capital and minimize costs.
• Instant candidate presentation… The first query results appear in your inbox almost immediately… of course the candidates must be vetted to determine if they are truly qualified and interested in considering other career opportunities.
• As our team searches for the ideal candidate, a search can be performed several times while you refine your query requirements.

In a sea of hiring managers with varying levels of experience, AGI’s FHCS team can level the playing field and allow your firm to focus on what it does best.

Alphanumeric Group Inc.
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